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Letter from George Yeats to Thomas MacGreevy. 11 May [1960].

[p.1 recto]

46 Palmerston Road
Telephone 92512
May 11

My Dear Tom

I look forward to seeing you around 4-45 to 5-30 (I know you may be delayed!) on Friday at the Shelbourne. You are kind, as always, [p.1 verso]about the John Butler Yeats portrait of WBY.

Lovat Dickson who took Harold Macmillan's place in Macmillan's wants a "new" portrait". He doesn't know much about it - his letter suggests the "Mancini" or "one hanging in your hall" by which he probably means [p.2 recto]either the J.B.Y. self portrait or — portrait of AE —??

Gratefully with affection.

George —