Letter from George Yeats to Thomas MacGreevy. [19 September 1948].
[p.1 recto]
46 Palmerston Road
My dear Tom,
I cannot use that inadequate word "thank you" MacGreevy writes at the top of the letter: From Mrs W.B. Yeats in Sligo a day after W.B.'s funeral. "Harold" was her brother Archdeacon Hyde-Lees. McGnote . It is impossible to express such gratitude as is in my heart. I only hope that some day it may be possible for me to do something for you & that if the day ever comes you will tell me.
How few people would have had the sensitivity to know that I should like to hear that your [p.1 verso]"charges" had been deposited safely in Dublin. For that telegram I also owe a deep debt of gratitude.
I took flowers (from Lisadell) yesterday. As I had expected, every leaf & petal had been taken as "momentoes" on Friday evening! Nothing was left but wires & moss.
That horrible Picture Post couple are still here, but Harold & Anne are buttresses. I believe after Monday all will have gone.
Blessings on you.