Letter from George Yeats to Thomas MacGreevy. 6 December 1928.
[p.1 recto]
Via Americhe 12-8
December 6 1928
My dear Tom,
of course it would be delightful to have you here for "the christmas week". There is a room and there is a cook who sleeps in (or rather, there will be one as from Monday next!) and nurse will be here, so if you dont mind washing in the bathroom there being no washstand in your bedroom! you could be otherwise quite comfortable! On January 4th we go to Rome for a week, so can you fit your time in tothat date? I dont quite know what you mean by christmas week, and I've been doing so much charing to say nothing of arranging for childrens journey here that I'm quite vague about everything! I have a daily also for the holidays so there wont be anything for me to do, and we can all be fed and cared for happily, except for Christmas afternoon and eve when I imagine the "helps" will like to be off duty, and we shall cook eggs for our supper and so on.
Too busy coping for more – no help at present.
Yours ever