Letter from George Yeats to Thomas MacGreevy. 26 December [1927].
[p.1 recto]
Hotel St Georges
Route Frejus
Dec 26
My dear Tom
I only found your letter on my return from London. Willy is ever so much better On their visit to Spain WBY became seriously ill and GY took him on to France for medical attention, the children being brought as far as London with their nurse; however Michael Yeats was seriously ill and GY stayed on in London until he was well enough to travel to Cannes. Lennox Robinson then came out to assist over Christmas.note , almost well in fact. I only found your letter when I got back here on Christmas Eve, so I could not write sooner. Lennox will explain that to you — I had unexpectedly to stay in London with Michael who had a cold.
It would be nice to see you here, but apart from conversation with William there are no attractions. Its the usual Riviera resort, though it doesn't afflict us much as we are a little way out from the town. The climate [p.1 verso]at its worst is mild — at its best, grand sun.
There really isnt any news — One hasnt been doing anything or reading anything (W. is allowed detective stories only!) And — to cap your lamentations! — I have been having hellish neuritis all up my left arm from finger tips to shoulder & some days can hardly use it at all. You dont say what you are doing — are you staying on at the Ecole — or what???
The children spent in one case part of Xmas Day & in the other case the whole of it on the beach with spades & buckets — paddling!