Letter from George Yeats to Thomas MacGreevy. 8 September 1927.
[p.1 recto]
82 Merrion Square
September 8 1927
Dearest Tom
How delightful to hear that you are at last coming
on a visit to Ireland.?? Have you got a
hole to go to in
Dublin? If not there
is one here as long as one has a days notice, or for that matter three
hours. Lady
G. is due here on Friday Sept 16 and will
be leaving, without fail, on Tuesday Sept 20, but
even so there could be a room if one knew three
hours beforehand! And you would be as free as the
wind for you must know by now that we should not be
expeeting you to play the visitor. Bed and Breakfast
is all I suggest!
You havent written for such an age that I wonder if I have been putting all my feet into it somewhere? L%R. tells me that you are to be in Florence for a week — lucky devil and so I write to the address he provides.
Dolly, as you know, is over, so it is all rather a lark.
There is great excitement in the family that "Mister McGreevy" is really coming back. They always think that you are very foolish to live anywhere but here.
Yours in haste