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Letter from George Yeats to Thomas MacGreevy. 28 September 1926.

[p.1 recto]


My dear Tom

I am sorry about Dolly, begging her pardon for the familiarity, but L.R. was so anxious about it that I couldnt say anything else. He'd hate to know that he was discussed like this, but you know how all Dublin would have talked about his "new irregularities". I couldnt say anything but what I did.

By the way if it would be any convenience to "Dolly" 82 Merrion Sq always ha a spare room and in any case will be empty from Oct 2 to 18 and it would be a great advantage to have someone in the house - good discipline for the maids. And whether we are there or not the children and maids have to be fed and one or two extra people dont make any more work. I enclose a note to her which you can give her or not as you think fit. I dont know what her conventionalities are. Put it to her that she'd be very wellcome and the maids will look after her with assiduous and rather inefficient attention, and beds will await her with warm welcom if she will sleep in them. Let me know if you can by a card post on Friday so that I can leave all ready. I will do so in any case. But if I hear I will leave a welcoming note as Lolly would say.[p.1 verso]

If she doesnt want to, give me the key I enclose in the note to her when we meet in London., at the Tate Gall. The steps at the top, 3 P-M .

Keep Thursday evening as I have asked the Dulacs.

In haste

George Y.

We go back to Dublin on Wednesday & leave Saturday night

T McGreevy Esq
at 15 Cheyne Gardens