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Letter from George Yeats to Thomas MacGreevy. 3 February 1925.

[p.1 recto]


In great haste at last the letter to Grierson. Sorry I couldnt get it before.


Can you find his address — we havent it here. He lives in Edinburgh.

[p.2 recto]


Dear Prof. Grierson

This is to introduce to you Tom McGreevy Carnegie Librarian by profession & by taste & industry a profound student of European painting. If he keeps from drink & poetry he will be an acknowledged expert in a few years.

I am here for rest under doctors orders but am returning much the better for sun and air in a couple of weeks.

Yrs —
W B Yeats

As at present he neither drinks nor writes poetry his chances of success in life seem excellent.

T. McGreevy Esq
20 Lincoln Chambers
Lincoln Place
Royal Hotel