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Letter from George Yeats to Thomas MacGreevy. 21 August 1924.

[p.1 recto]

Gort.Co Galway.
Saturday August 16


Many thanks for letter & also for Anne's sweets. She has been a little ill & so hasnt had them yet, but today she is better & will be presented with them tomorrow morning — Michael's birthday.

The dead sheep is still in the river & as no one knows whose it is it is [p.1 verso]likely to remain there until putrefaction is complete —A few days earlier Anne Yeats, who was five, wrote to MacGreevy 'I HAVE LOST TWO TEETH...AND THERE IS A DEADSHEEP DOWN ON THE RIVER. I GOT TWO LETTERS FROM AUNT LOLLY'note The weather is cold & wet & the river high so all is well — as regards the sheep —

What on earth possessed you on Friday night, dining at the Club complete with Hacketts,Novelist and biographer Francis Hackett (1883-1962) and his Danish wife the novelist Signe Toksvig (1891-1983) were living first in County Wexford, later in Wicklow.note to insist on the preposterousness of Willy giving H. Stuart a prizeFrancis Stuart's first poetry collection, We Have Kept the Faith, collected by Iseult Gonne while her husband was still in prison, was awarded a prize as 'a writer of promise' by the Royal Irish Academy during the Tailteann Games in Augustnote — Really rather embarrassing considering the so obvious answer —


G. Yeats