Letter from George Yeats to Thomas MacGreevy. [June 1923].
[p.1 recto]THREE ARTS CLUB
Telephone: LANGHAM 1426-1427
Telegrams: "TROISARTS"
Dear Mr. Thomas Gerrard McGreevy:
In a sense you are right. The sprain is not "real". What really happened was that while absently standing in the gutter waiting for No.27 bus, I was run over by a taxi! My right foot being black green & yellow & there being in Paris no kind friends with cars, I think London will be more pleasant. Really it would be waste to go to Paris & not be able to go everywhere all day & 1/2 the night.
Meanwhile I am very sorry I cant escort your sister & you are very absurd if you think I have invented a reason to avoid "suggested impedimenta".George Yeats had been planning to visit Dorothy and Ezra Pound and other friends in Paris. She was probably going to escort MacGreevy's younger sister Delia, who was studying French and English at University College Dublin, sitting her final exams in September.note
This placeThe Three Arts Club on Marylebone Street had been established by the actress Lena Ashwell as a residence club and art gallery for women artists, performers and musiciansnote is crammed with young [p.1 verso]women who all look as if they never slept & never washed and they have a spuriously decadent look which I believe conceals nothing. They make me feel very beefy & normal & quite disgustingly healthy. Last night one of them said "The only period in the worlds history when there was happiness was in prehistoric days". And the young woman in the cubicle next to me has offered to lend me a pencil to black my eyes
Yours etc.
George Yeats