Letter from Thomas MacGreevy to George Yeats. 9 March 1929
Bibliographic Information
Original Source
Letter from Thomas MacGreevy to George Yeats
9 March 1929
Thomas MacGreevy
National Library of Ireland. Autograph letter
signed. NLI MS 30,859
fMacGreevy writes of social news including an affair between Laura Riding and Robert Graves. Other news includes the weather
in Paris.
Electronic Edition Information
Published by: Susan Schreibman and Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities
Date of Electronic Text: 26 March 2006
Document ID Number: let.mac.1929-03-09.xml
Text Size: 8.01 KB
This text is available for internal use by the Thomas MacGreevy Archive only.
This text may not be reproduced or distributed.
Responsibility for Document Creation and Encoding
Creation of machine readable text by: Susan Schreibman
Annotations and Proofing by: Ann Saddlemyer and Susan
Header creation and markup by: JaDa Wells
Encoding Principles
This text has not been normalised.
Titles of texts, foreign words, personal names, place and organisational
names, and emphasised text have been encoded. Personal and organisational
names have been standardised through the REG attribute of the
<persName>, <orgName>, and <rs>
elements. Standardised spelling may be found in the Thomas MacGreevy Archive
name database, "Who's Who in the Archive."
Social Life
Domestic Life
Career and Finances
Responsibility for Document Creation and Encoding
Final Proofing
Tanya Clement