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Letter from Thomas MacGreevy to George Yeats. [13 February 1929].

[p.1 recto]

Ecole Normale Supérieure
Paris, 5me
Ash Wednesday

My dear George,

I'm sorry you've been unwell again. Dolche told me — I was in London this week and I was going to write. You don't suffer obs. re health or I'd have dared to say to you at Xmas that I thought you ought to be so careful at Rapallo. What with the sea and that lung. Do let me say "take care of yourself" now. I had a letter from your mother highly pleased with my Rapallo report so you see I have been discreet.

I'd love to have the Cantos but don't trouble with the first book. The Three Mountains man — a nice person — said he could lend me a copy of it for whatever time I needed it and I may be able to afford to keep it after. A lunch with Jack in London, his exhibition superb but few buyers so far. A lunch also with Eliot and Mrs. at their[p.1 verso] little house. They are killing — and beautiful people.

Antheil, Aldington, Tinche — what a nest.

The most important thing as usual left for the end — I'm charmed that W.B. is making you compose songs. That's the most satisfactory piece of news for a long time.

Enjoy yourself and don't work too hard. A proper letter later.

Love to you both


Hester has seen the poem and is pleased to be much pleased. They showed it to the man and told him it was Ho. White" was intended. Poor Ho. Eliot can't get my poems published but wanted to keep 'em a bit longer. He is a dear. Poor Mrs. Joyce in an alarming state, another bad operation last Thursday and neither she nor Lucia know anything as to how bad it all is. Joyce and Giorgio in a terrible way