Letter from Thomas MacGreevy to George Yeats. 14 April 1927
Bibliographic Information
Original Source
Letter from Thomas MacGreevy to George Yeats
14 April 1927
Thomas MacGreevy
National Library of Ireland.
Autograph letter signed.
NLI MS 30,859
MacGreevy has recently been visited by Lennox, Dolly, and Hester and hopes the Yeatses can visit as well. He is slightly bored in Paris and cannot find anyone interesting to talk to. He does however get to go to musical performances and has been asked by Eliot to write a book on Diaghaleff ballets, which he might do for the money. He will soon do a lecture at the Sorbonne about Irish theater. He asks if he should mention The Resurrection with the other plays by WB. He himself has been having trouble finishing his own Noh play. He is sending Cocteau's Orphee for Yeats, which he considers 'not good art' but with 'an odd personal quality.' He closes by asking for all the news of Dublin that he couldn't get from Lennox and recounts who among their acquaintance he has recently seen.
Electronic Edition Information
Published by: Susan Schreibman and Institute for Advanced Technology in
the Humanities
Date of Electronic Text: 16 February 2005
Document ID Number: let.mac.1927-04-14.xml
Text Size: 14 KB
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Responsibility for Document Creation and Encoding
Creation of machine readable text by:
Susan Schreibman
Annotations and Proofing by:
Ann Saddlemyer and
Susan Schreibman
Header creation and markup by:
Gretchen Gueguen
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Standardised spelling may be found in the Thomas MacGreevy Archive name database, "Who's Who in the Archive."
Social Life
Career and Finances
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Final Proofing
Tanya Clement