Letter from Thomas MacGreevy to George Yeats. 20 January 1927.
[p.1 recto]at 15 Cheyne Gardens,
London, S.W. 3
I'm very sorry W.B. is being bothered again and hope he'll mend quickly. Dolly writes very cheerfully of what you call the ??"thin" time she's had. Its an awful pity about W.B.
The following only to be disclosed if you think it wouldn't trouble him. W. Stewart is giving up his job at the Ecole Normale to go professing French in Sheffield. He has written to Louis Purser suggesting that Trinity should recommend me for his job. I'd take it needless to say. And if there is anything that could be done tosecure Trinitys recommendation it would help. The work would only be to prepare & deliver one lecture on English literature each day in term time. And it would of course leave me much freer than I am here. I go over tomorrow & shall see the head of the Normale as well as Valéry. Address till Monday c\o W. Stewart Ecole Normale Supèrieure 45 rue d'Ulm, Paris V.
But not a word to W.B. if it would upset him in any way. I'm not even sure that there is anything he can do. I leave it to your discretion. And meantime I do hope he gets better quickly.
Love always